Monday, June 4, 2012

May 28 in the US: Memorial Day (part 2)

As I wrote in the previous post, on Memorial Day it's common for people to visit cemeteries and decorate graves.  As I was thinking about posting about Memorial Day, two things happened that made me think about cemeteries, and how the concept of visiting cemeteries can have cultural differences in the US and Brazil.  The first thing was reading this article, which I highly recommend:

Considering Cemeteries (By the way, this article is from a blog/newspaper (?) called Curitiba in English.  Has anyone read it?  It's great!)

The second thing was a comment from a friend who is also an ETA in Brazil.  She said that one of the students at the university where she works said that, in movies, Americans never cried in funerals.  The student then asked if Americans ever cry!  Though this was funny to hear, I realized it was kind of true after I stopped and thought about it.  This is certainly one of the perceptions of American culture we see in films.

Anyway, a few thoughts on one of the many differences that I hadn't stopped to think about between US and Brazilian culture.

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