Friday, May 11, 2012

Drama club update

Hey guys!
I just wanted to post a little information about what we've been up to in Drama club.
At this point, we've met about 4 times.  In each meeting we warm-up, play some games to practice movement, working together, improvisation, etc., and, the last two meetings, we've been working with monologues.
Next meeting (Monday, May 14), we'll be presenting our second round of monologues.  Last week, after presenting monologues for the first time, I asked students to switch monologues.  So, next class, students will present monologues they've already seen, but that their classmates presented.
I just want to say that I was so impressed, proud, and happy with the first presentation of monologues!  I told the students to focus mostly on pronunciation, rhythm, flow, etc.  They did this and MUCH more!  Each student came to the meeting prepared, open and willing to share their monologue (in spite of being nervous!), and not afraid to show a little emotion.  It was wonderful.  It was obvious that they'd worked hard, practiced, and taken the activity seriously.
After speaking with several students, it sounds like some of you would maybe like to come to drama club, but are nervous!  Don't be!!  I understand that acting in front of people can be a little scary and uncomfortable, but the students that have been attending the meetings have done a great job of making their classmates feel comfortable.  If it's your first time coming, feel free to observe.  You don't have to participate in everything at first.  Also, a number of you have expressed interest in drama club, but can't come because of scheduling.  If this is the case with you, please try to get a group together (at least 5 students) that can all meet at the same time so that we can open a new meeting time.  Please post on this blog, email me, or facebook me if you're interested in this.
Lastly, some students have expressed interest in performing a play.  I think this is a great idea!  In any activity, it's important to have a goal to work toward.  If you've been coming to drama club, bring some ideas to the next meeting.  If you haven't been to any meetings, you're always welcome!  Also, if you're interested in working on a play but can't come or haven't been to any meetings, please let me know.

In our last several meetings we've discussed emotion in acting.  Here are a few last words to consider for anyone interested in coming to the next drama club:

The great actor should be full of feeling, and especially he should feel the thing he is portraying. He must feel an emotion not only once or twice while he is studying his part, but to a greater or lesser degree every time he plays it, no matter whether it is the first or the thousandth time.
-An Actor Prepares

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