Sunday, August 26, 2012

Schedule of Activities (August 27-31)

Wednesday (August 29):
Conversation Club          10:30-12:00          N001
Daily Usage English       13:00-14:30           N001
Lesson Planning            15:00-17:00           N001 

Thursday (August 30):
Daily Usage English        10:30-12:00          N001
Conversation Club           13:00-14:30          N001

Many of you have asked me specifics about the Daily Usage English session. Basically, my goal during these sessions is to practice more "practical" English that you may use in daily situations either while traveling to an English-speaking country or by meeting an English speaker in your very own city. 
Because of this, this session would be beneficial for students in the more basic levels. However, for those of you in more advanced levels, you can also benefit much from these sessions! I will offer different activities based on level. Also, since "practical" topics are usually covered in English language textbooks, I'd like to start from there and then move towards more colloquial expressions, or discuss what you might actually hear people say in certain situations. 

About the schedule...I thought that squeezing all sessions into two days would be better for those of you who live far from the university or don't usually come to the university. This way, if you want to attend more than one session, you don't have to come more than one day a week. What do you think about this? Is anyone not able to attend due to scheduling or has other ideas for the schedule? Let me schedule is flexible!

Don't forget! The first journal entry is due by Tuesday, August 28. Send entries to my email address, I hope to do another activity with these entries that I think will be really great so, please send!

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