Friday, September 21, 2012

New Activities Schedule (First week of classes, Sept. 24-28)

Hey gang!

Now that classes are starting, here is the new schedule of activities:

Mondays:             17:40-18:40 (Conversation Club)

Wednesdays:        17:40-18:40 (Daily Usage English)

Thursdays:           17:40-18:40 (Lesson Planning N011)

As you can see, Thursday's meetings will always be in N011. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure yet of the locations of Monday's and Wednesday's meetings, though I will know by next week.
Because of this, there will be NO Conversation Club on Monday, September 24. Conversation Club meetings will begin the following Monday, October 1.
Though I don't yet know of Wednesday's meeting location, I should know by next Tuesday, so, I will post the location as soon as I know. Daily Usage English and Lesson Planning will begin next week (September 26 and 27).
I hope to see everyone there! Please check previous blog posts for descriptions of these activities and, as always, email me with any questions (

Also, I will be continuing the online journal writing activity. Please check the blog and Facebook for details!

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