Thursday, September 27, 2012

Third round of journal entries!

A HUGE thanks to the participants of this activity! And remember, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate!

TOPIC: What is your dream job? You can include as little or as much detail about the actual job as well as what your life would be like if you had this job. If you don't have a specific job in mind, you may talk generally about what you dream of doing.

Super easy, it's the movies!!! In the first entry I wrote a little bit about it. To work with the movies in general is my dream I'd say. It could be acting or doing some technical part. I used to think that to act was easy, but it's not. Currently I'm doing drama classes to improve my performance and I really like doing it. I remember that I wouldn't want to do these classes, cause I thought that theater and movies were completely different. In fact, they are, but I don't regret starting it. In theater I'm learning how to act, something I thought I could do. Now I can say that I can!  I've learned to lose the shame, to work with the audience, and the principal thing, do anything with someone looking at you. It's quite important in the movies. There are a lot of people behind the scenes; the actors are just a small portion. I don't know, but I think it’s a little difficult to work with many people in front of you, saying what you must do. I'm already learning how to work with that pressure.
“To be an actor”. I hope someday I can realize my dream. Maybe I'm dreaming too high, but I'll keep doing it. I really don't care if someone says that I won't realize it. I know that I can!!!
Okay, but, if I can't be an actor, in what will I work? Anyway, I can work with the movies!!! As I said, in a technical part. I'm thinking of working as a director of art. It's something I appreciate too much. There are two categories of the Academy Awards I want to win the most: Best actor (in a supporting or in a leading role) and Best Director of Art. If I am a Director of Art I'm responsible for the set design, the visual effects, the costumes and the makeup. The costumes and the makeup are really cool. You can transform anyone into anything. I love it.  There is a TV show where people go to compete for a prize, and for this they have to do makeup for movies. In the last one I watched they had to do characters based on Tim Burton's movies and it was great – I had so many ideas after this episode –. The TV show is called "FaceOff" and I recommend it to those who like movies with visual effects.
There is one other job I'd want to do, and I think everyone wants to too: to be a sportsman. It could be playing volleyball or tennis. Okay, I don't think it is possible. Let's keep playing sports just for fun and let's work on what I want do the most: the movies!!!

(omg, it is raining so hard as I type these lines)
Well, to quote Thoreau, a dream job for me would be something like a Storm Supervisor, Forest Track Supervisor, Wild Animal Shepherd, or even a Cloud Inspector or such. I think Cloud Inspector would be best.
A dream job would be the one that allowed me to earn a living and also have time to do the things I like. Above all, this job wouldn't involve any kind of stress, or hurrying in any sense. Yes, I know, it's almost impossible to get something like that, but dammit, it's a dream job I was asked for.
I don't know what would be the equivalent in the real world to these dream jobs I listed... probably some kind of writer, musician, translator, or forest guard. Or a monk. Or even a teacher, if you manage to get the right conditions, in the right country.
Thing is, it seems that all the jobs out there nowadays are supposed to be boring, or have a frantic rhythm that keeps you from getting enough sleep, eating well and etc., and I do have a problem with that. I'm such an idealist. I don't quite know what to do with myself. And then along comes the old talk that Western society is so fast-paced and neurotic, and doesn't adapt itself to individual needs or different persons, but rather forces 'em to adapt themselves to a life they don't wanna live. Blah, blah, the same anarchist stuff, I know, but I can't get it out of my mind. 
I dream of living in a place with no bureaucracy, with no complications and no piles of bills, and no enormous amounts of money to receive nor pay. I dream of a job which allows me to whistle as I labour and to enter in the morning with no worries or fears whatsoever - and which lets me walk away, in the evening, tired, but not to the bones, and with a light heart, and not concerned about tomorrow's journey. I'd rather not have a job that involves my intellectual skills, so that I can keep them clean & pure for my own personal purposes. And I would also rather have a job that doesn't involve tons of responsibilities and dependents and information. I just want to keep it simple. Simplify, simplify (to quote Thoreau again).
So, some of the jobs that attract me are the aforementioned: writer, translator, musician, forest guard and monk.
I realize that getting a job as writer or musician is rough. These are artistic professions, and artists never had it easy. But if someone would like to edit and publish the stuff that I write and will write, and pay me for it, I'd be glad. And for the 'musician'... well, unless I get to be a studio musician, I'm pretty much fucked.
Translator seems fine. That's something I'd take on with pleasure - except for poetry, which is hard as hell to translate. Presently, I don't dare to translate even one line of poetry.
I consider, in the future, being a forest guard, like Jack Kerouac was during a summer. I'd gladly do some training and take care of a mountain or a part of a national park. I mean, if that wouldn't be too hard a job or suck out all of my free time.
And last but not least, monk. Yea, I still consider travelling to China or Japan or India and joining a Buddhist/Taoist temple and living there for some time - or maybe for all my life, if I wish so. For me, it seems like a legitimate way of living. The only difficulty is that I'm too much of an authority-questioner, and I think the guys would want to throw me out of there for doubting their beliefs and customs.
Well, I think I wrote too much. And I'm kinda tired now. So this is the end.
Oh, I forgot to talk about being a teacher. Yea, well. I wouldn't dream of being a teacher here in Brazil. I'm not a masochist. But I also know that in many other countries this situation doesn't change much. So I'd have to say that I could be a college professor - I'd rather not teach children (but, depending on circumstances, this can change) - somewhere, either in Brazil or in the USA or whatever, where I feel comfortable doing it, and where I could find good students that don't make my profession feel like a heavy burden.
There, I'm done.

I would like to start by paraphrasing a song “Dance, you're not killing yourself! You're only triggering your senses”. Then I spent eleven years of my life doing it and also believing that it would be my future. Dance! I just don’t know whether I let it slip through my fingers or just gave up, but at some point I stopped doing it. It all started when I was eleven and it came to an end when I was twenty-two. What I used to dance? Polish folklore, but before that, it was also Ukrainian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. In 2001 I became part of an ensemble of only Polish folklore and I thought I was just in heaven.
I thought I could become professional, and travel around the world as a dancer. I never wanted to be famous, I just wanted to dance and I still do. Someday, somehow, someway, I lost it. Maybe I didn’t put enough effort into achieve it and writing this makes my heart  beat so fast and causes my eyes to water. But I’ll stand still and keep those days in my mind, a good place that I can visit to have warm memories and forget about time.
“When I dance I feel free” and then another song gets in my head, because once you’re on the stage you’ll never want to get out. But I did it and never looked back. “Once I am moving, I’m alright”, yes, I just need a song. I’m not a dancer anymore but I still know the moves… what I wouldn’t do to get those days back, I know I can’t but I’ll never lose the spirit that keeps me alive. Oh, how I miss those days! Well, I guess I just need to keep on moving to any rhythm and any song. I just need to keep on moving. I am dance, dance is me. I need music to set me free. Music and dance are my essence, my soul. I know it sounds lame, but it’s true.
Of course I’ll end it by paraphrasing another song, because I’ll never stop: “I wanna dance like it was the last dance of my life”. Would you join me?

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